We also provide daily hygiene personal care services which enables individuals to feel more independent at home without their dignity been taken away. We have identified that many individuals struggle with brushing their teeth, brushing their hair, bathing, using the toilet and eating. We have care and support with good experience that can help make life a little easier for those who need it.
The daily hygiene is very important because the services we provide by our specialist staff helps them to perform them. In addition, we consider it as a priority and one of the most important duties to help individuals remain healthy, happy, and at home. Our care and support teams are well trained to offer personal care services in a discreet and respectful way to enable you maintain your dignity and respect your boundaries.
We can provide these daily hygiene care services:
getting dressed,
oral hygiene
foot care
performing exercises
To discuss your care needs cost or find out more, please call
Glow Healthcare Services: +44 208 829 9812