At Glow Health services, we offer meal preparation services. Our care team would visit the individual’s home to prepare and cook food. Also, they would work closely with each individual to create an appropriate meal plan based on all dietary restrictions, taking care of grocery shopping and kitchen cleaning too. During the planning, preparation and cooking process, the individual can choose how involved they wish to be in
Our meal preparation services include:
taking each client’s needs into consideration
creating meal plans for them, ensuring their meals are appropriate for their dietary needs
going grocery shopping, preparing food for cooking, prepare healthy snack, cutting vegetables and fruit
cooking or reheating meals and working alongside them in the kitchen.
doing the dishes
cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen.
The above services offer individuals added safety and prevention from food-borne illness, ensuring that an individual’s dietary needs are met. In addition, it offers good emotional health because foods evoke memories and emotions, and eating is often a communal activity.